Information Technology

Saturday, 18 December 2021

Introduction to Computer

 Introduction to Computer


Introduction to Computer : Introduction, Definition of Computer Click Here , Types of

Computer Click here , Limitation of Computer, Classification of Computer Click here , Application of Computer Click Here, Characteristics of Computer, Computer Generation, Memory; Number System - Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal Number System, Conversion from One system to another; Software and Hardware - Types of Software, Computer Language, Language Translator, Operating System; Storage Device - Floppy Disk, Hard Disk. CD Rom, Flash Drive/ Pen Drive, Zip Drive, Blue Ray Disk; Input/output Disk-Need ofl/O device, Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Scanner, Web cam, Digital Camera, Light Pen, Digitizer, Microphone, Touch Screen, OCR, OMR, Monitor, 3 Printer


Communication and Internet Technology:- Computer Network- Computer communication, requirements of communication, Communication medium, Types of data communication, Introduction to Computer Network, Categories of computer networks, Definition, Necessity of Computer Network, Network topologies, Types of Computer Network; Network devices, Internet & Internet Technology- Introduction of Internet, Internet Technology, WWW, website, webpage, web server, search engine, E-mail, URL, HTTP, domain name, IP address, FTP, downloading, uploading


Processing Tools:-

Windows - Introduction, Characteristics of Windows, Desktop, Windows Accessories, File management in Windows, Windows Taskbar, Start Menu; Microsoft Office - Introduction, Create, Save, Print Document, Formatting tool bar, Paragraph formatting, Page formatting Undo, Redo, Insert Header and Footer, Checking Spelling and Grammar, Search and Replace, Insert Images, Create and Insert table, Page Numbering, Border

and Shading; Power Point- Introduction, Create presentation, Print presentation, Different types of presentation, Insert Animation effect, Slide layout


Information Communication Technology Application & Its Social Impacts:-

Application of ICT - Usages of information technology, Social Networking, E­ Learning, Internet Banking, E-Booking, On-line Shopping, E-Governance, E­ Health/E-Medicine, E-Commerce, E-Designing, E-Mitra; Social Impacts ofICT­ Effects of Social networking sites, Cyber Security, Cyber Bulling, Internet Addiction, Plagiarism, Privacy , Reliability of Information, Authenticity of Information

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