Information Technology

Saturday, 18 December 2021

Defination and Uses Of Computer

Introduction Of Computer

The invention of computer is the greatest achievement of the twentieth century. Today computer needs no introduction. Today there is no field or aspect of life where computer is not being used. The use of computer has become inevitable in fields like scientific research, business, industry, environment,meteorology, space research, commu­ nication, transport, medicine and health care, education, entertainment etc. Internet is a communication network with all the computers world wide connected to one another and this network has left such an enormous influence on life that it has ushered in a new era "Information Technology Era". It is impossible for us to image life without computer in this information technology era.


Computer has contributed in all the fields of development of mankind. Computer has solved many a complex problem and has made impossible things possible. Computer is absolutely essential for a developing country like India because computer can play an important role in improving the economical condition of the country


Definition of Computer
The term computer is derived from the English word 'compute' which means to calculate or count. In reality the main purpose of the invention of computer was to manu­ facture a machine which could claculate. But today more than 80 percent of the work done by the computer is not of mathematical or statistical nature. So to define computer as a computing machine is to ignore the 80 percent work done by computer. Besides having the capacity to calculate, computer has the storage of memory and reasoning and it fol­ lows instructions in a glimpse


Classification Based on Size:-

Modem computers can be classified into the following four types according to their size:

  • Micro Computer: They are small in size and less costly. They are used at homes, in schools. A micro computer consists of a single CPU. They have comparatively less memory and working speed. A single person can work on it at a given time. They are also called personal computers.They are of the following types:

1. Desktop Computer: They are operated by placing them on the desk or table. These are slightly larger in size. It contains CPU, Monitor, Keyboard etc.

2. Laptop Computer: This computer looks like briefcase. It is smaller in size A person can operate it by placing it in his lap. They are portable and can be very easily shifted form one place to another. These includes CPU, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse. Battary is use to provided the power

3. Palmtop Computer: These are smaller in size of Laptop Computer. They can be operated on palm. These are light in weight and smaller in size. Battery is used to provide the power used to provide the power.

4.NoteBook Computer: Notebook computer are similar to laptop computer. It can be operated on legs. These are eassily movable from one place to another. In these computers CPU, Keyboard, Mouse are tied together. The working capacity of these are lesser than laptop computer.

5.  Tablet Computer: These are bigger than mobile and operated by fingers.


  • Minicomputer:- They are of medium size. They are more powerful, faster and more expensive than Micro Computers. They have more processing power and storage capability. They have more then one CPU. More then one person can work upon them at a given time. They are generally used in big offices, banks etc.


  • Mainframe Computer:- They are very large in size. They have greater processing power and memory as compared to minicomputers. Multiple user works at a time on these computer. They are expensive. They are generally used in railway reservations, insurance companies, research institutes and professional organizations. IBM 4300, IBM4381, UAX 8842 etc are examples of mainframe computers.

  • Super Computer:- Super computers are the largest in size. They are the most powerful in processing and memory. They process complex calculations with high accuracy. They are most expensive. They cost millions of rupees. They can support many users at a time .They are mainly used in scientific research centers, weather forecasting, space research laboratories, defence centers, controlling nuclear power plants, genetic engineering etc. PARAM, CRAY, X-MP, NEC, CDC etc. are examples of super computers.


Param:- This super computer has been developed in Pune, India, by C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing). This is a completely Indian computer. Its manufacturing is a major scientific achievement of India. Many improved and better versions of PARAM like PARAM 1000, PARAM ANANT and PARAM PADAM have been developed. These computers are being used not only in India but also abroad. They are gaining popularity there. They have unique working capacity.

The story of the development of PARAM is interesting. In 1980 America banned the supply of technology in the particular field and the supply of computer hardware and CRAYX-MP super computer. But it proved as a blessing in disguise. The Indian scientists took it as a challenge and the result was development of PARAM super computer, a computer with matchless features and unique capacity.


PARAM is a multipurpose super computer. It is used at a large scale in weather forecasting, medicine, designing, making nuclear models, distant communication, health care etc. Its use is also remarkable in space and nuclear program and for removing the different snags. Finding out oil and gas reservoirs in different parts of the country is also its achievement. The development of PARAM is the testimony of the capability, talent, sincerity and dedication of the scientists of India.


Uses of Computer

Immense are the uses of computer. Today the utility of computer in life is so great that the modem age is known as computer age.

With the invention of computer complex calculations, which were beyond the reach of man, have become easier. In fact the purpose of the invention of computer was to calculate in an automatic and accurate manner. In the fields where punctuality and accuracy are of paramount importance, the use of computer is indispensable. Weather predictions,processes related to space exploration and research ,monitoring of nuclear power plants are the special fields which can not be developed without computer. Man could step on the moon because of the accuracy and high speed of computer. The use of computer has brought about revolutionary changes in the fields of communication. We can contact the person sitting in any comer of the world by tapping only a few keys and touching some switches and by spending only a very small amount of money. Internet is a very powerful medium of receiving and transmitting information.It is a vast reservoir of information and knowledge from where any information can be obtained instantly. Exam­ inees can know their results and marks through internet as soon as the result is declared.

With the help of the telephone directory available on internet we can find the telephone number of anyone. The schedule of trains, buses and aeroplanes can be known and the actual position of their running can be known. The information regarding a general passenger train of India is available on internet. All the leading newspapers of the world are available on the internet. On internet we can read the regional page of the main newspapers of Rajasthan by sitting at any comer of the world. We can get the reserva­ tion of train done sitting at home, we can have the information regarding telephone bill, bank balance etc. There is hardly any information that is not available on the internet. Internet serves as a source of resource for the researchers and writers. With E-mail available on the internet messages can be exchanged from one computer to the other. Sending messages by using e-mail saves both time and money. The message is sent in an instant and it can be received on the other computer lying in any comer of the world the very next instant. We can carry on live conversation with other computer users using Internet Relay Chat. We can contact any phone by using net telephony. The person to be contacted may not have the computer. Conversing with a person abroad is very economi­ cal. Internet telephony is legal in India now. Video conferencing provides the facility of watching the person we are talking to.

The use of computer has increased in the world of business. Computers are used for general official records and for managing national and international share markets. With the combination of computer and internet a new business system has come into being and it is known as e-commerce. Buying and selling of things and services through internet is called e-commerce. The producers and sellers have found world wide markets of things and services sand there is a great reduction of time and cost in exchanging trade information. Today housewives are buying the household things by sitting at home. The reservations are getting done the cinema tickets are being bought, the hotels are being booked by sitting at home. E-banking is a branch of e-commerce. The account holders can check their balance in the account and they can transfer money from one account to the other by using the internet. We can pay the bills of telephone, electricity, water and transact any business. E-banking has provided the facility of ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) to the customers. We can withdraw amount any time and anywhere. That is why ATM is also called 'Any Time Money' in the popular sense. Computer has already replaced type writer in the offices, besides that the records of the offices, details of establishment and salary records are also maintained by computer. Computer has given birth to the concept of "Paper less Office". E-Govemance is being used for administra­ tion. In a library, complete details of books, the record of the members of the library, the issuing and returning of books etc. can be done easily by using computer.


Computers are used in publication and printing. These are known as Desktop Publishing (D.T.P.). The traditional work of printing used to be very hard and tedious

but computer has made it very easy.


Computers are being used extensively in the field of medicine and health care. Computers are used for diagnosing illness, curing ailments, surgery, monitoring patients. Ultrasound, CT Scan, MRI etc. tests are used to detect different diseases and malfunctionings .With the help of pictures generated by computers the diagnosing be­ comes easier.

Ultra Sound                                       CT Scan

Pacemaker is a little computer, which is fixed inside patients having heart prob­ lems. The use of computer is indispensable in the field of Genetic Engineering where DNA structures are studied. By DNA firger printing many complex criminal cases can be solved .With the combination of Bio-Medical science and computer a branch of science­ Bio-Informataics has come into being.


In the field of education computer is playing a significant role. In classrooms, computers are used to develop science projects, prepare reports, gather information and as an interactive learing pool. Computer is used as a supplement to the teacher. Under Computer Based Teaching (CBT) numerous software are available which provide infor­ mation of different subjects in succeession. Multimedia (a combination of sound, graphics, animation and video) CBT software is very useful to help student understand any sub­ ject. Nowadays, online learning and training is possible through networks. A student sitting at home can speak to his/her teacher and can get response for his/her queries. Virtual classrooms are a reality these days.


Computers are being extensively used in the field of engineering and architecture. Computer aided engineering is used by the designers to specify the type of material to be used in buildings, things and parts of machines and to calculate/ determine whether the part could withstand the necessary stress and temperatures. the use of CAE is essential to guaranteeing the safety of big buildings, bridges and planes. through computer aided (CAD) the interior and exterior of objects can be designed, three dimensional design can be prepared and viewed in details on the screen. with the help of the map on the paper we cannot determine how the house will look after completion. But with the help of CAD we can have an idea of how the house will look when built. In hazardous conditions where it is dangerous for man to work, the use of robot has begun. robot is a computer controlled mechanical man.


Computers are being extensively used in the field of entertainment. Nowadays numerous computer games are available which not only provide entertainment but also increase knowledge and develop reasoning faculty of the children. The computer games are so popular that they not only attract the young ones but also the aged ones. Film industry use computers to incorporate special effects and create such scenes which have no place in reality. You must have seen Films like "Jurasic Park", "Godzilla", "Anaconda","Little Struart" etc. All these Films have used computers to create such spe­ cial effects. With the help of computer the coloured versions of the old Indian Films in black version "Mugal-E-Azam" and "Naya Daur" have been prepared.

Jurasic Park

Computers have earned a significant place in the relay of Television channels. The channels relaying programs by using computers are called digital channels. The digi­ tal channels show batter performance than general channels.


Computer is used to produce new musical notes. One computer can produce the musical notes of many musical instruments. producing musical notes by using computer is known as musical instrument digital interface (MIDI).


Computer has entered our houses today. Computers are used for education, en­ tertainment, Writing letters, E-Mails, Chatting, getting various information from internet etc.


We see that no Field of our life has remained untouched by computer. It is not only useful for a special class but for every person.


Characteristics of Computer

Computer is playing an important role in the development of modem age. Let us see what are the characteristics that make it so important. These characteristics are:

1.Speed : Computer performs at a very high speed. It performs even complex operations in less than a second. A personal computer can execute millions of instructions in one second. If a computer completes a task within a minute, the same task can be completed by man in his whole life .

2.Accuracy : Computer performs all the tasks and calculations accurately. Once the correct instructions are given to computer it declares the results accurately. computer does not commit errors. If the error takes place it is due to human mistake. Computer commits errors if it is out of order and due to virus.

3.Deligence : Computer does not get tired . It can work continuously for hours together and it does not suffer lack of concentration or speed.

4.Power of Remembering : Like man computer has also a power to remember which is called "Memory" in which crores of data can be stored. These data can be seen when we want.

5.Versatility : computer can be used to perform many different jobs. Computer plays significant part in different fields in Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Factories, Homes, Offices, Research,meteorology, Entertainment etc.

6.Automation : Computer has the characteristic of automation. It can perform a number of tasks automatically and thus we can save time and money.

7.Storage : Computer has vast capacity for storage . It can amass crores of files.

Limitations of Computer

Inspite of having the above given characteristics, computers do possess some limitations. These are :

1.Computer cannot think and decide on its own. It is a dumb machine. It works according to the instructions provided. Even a child of two years is more intelligent than a computer. Efforts are on to incorporate artificial intelligence in high quality computers today. Hopefully we may have computers that can think.

2.Computer techniques are changing fast. The old computers become less useful. The need to upgrade computers arises and it is costly.

3.Various efforts have to be made to save and secure the important files. Computers are most susceptible to virus that are very harmful for files.


4.Various cases of cheating and fraud are being reported in E-Commerce, E­ Banking, A.TM. etc.

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